Thursday, July 24, 2008

The girls

Kate can sit up in the bumbo seat now! I don't remember Megan having that kind of control at 10 weeks. But while Kate tips over occasionally, she does a good job sitting there. And I think she likes the new way of looking at the world. We get our best smiles from her in the bumbo.

And look at my little toddler! I can't believe she's going to be 2 years old in September. She's been wearing "piggy tails" lately in her hair. She doesn't like me putting them in, but once they're in she could care less. I think she just looks so adorable and grown-up!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Boo-Boos, Bjorn and a baby turning 2 months old!

We've had a busy week! Megan got her first boo-boos that required bandaids this past Friday - skinned knees. The top two bandaids were necessary - the bottom two were "pretend boo-boos".

It's a good thing we learned about bandaids, though, because last night was our first real serious fall. We were all outside playing with her water table and new sprinkler. She was standing on a chair, leaning against the back, and it tumbled over. She was holding the back, so her hands took the major brunt of it. She really scraped up her knuckles. And she face-planted on the sidewalk, so she has a big goose-egg on her forehead with a little scrape. She's a trooper, but she needed lots of bandaids for this one.

On a cuter note - Megan's been trying to do everything that Mommy does with Kate. So the other day she insisted on wearing my Bjorn, and carrying her baby doll around in it.

Finally - Kate's already 2 months old! I can't believe it. She had a dr. appt on Tuesday and she's now 9 lbs and 21 1/4 inches. So she's growing quickly, considering she started out so small. She's just now fitting into 0-3 month clothes! She's starting to look around more now, and bat at toys. She likes to watch you talk and sing, and she smiles at you!

She especially loves watching her big sister. And Megan's so good with her. When she hears her cry, she goes to her and gives her a paci, or rocks her bouncy seat. She holds toys for her to play with and rubs her belly. In this picture, Megan was really just saying "Hi", but it looks like they're in a death-match stare-down! They make me laugh every day.