Monday, January 22, 2007
First Cereal
Our little girl is growing up! We gave her cereal for the first time last night. Overall, she was pretty indifferent about it. Because you're supposed to make the cereal so watery the first few times, she gave us this look like "why are you feeding me this on a spoon? That will take a long time!" But by the end, I think she got a little bit in her stomach. Most of it went right out of her mouth, onto her bib. We'll keep trying - hopefully she'll start loving it soon! Then we're on to applesauce and bananas....
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
I'm 4 months old!

Megan had her 4 month doctor appointment yesterday. Boy has she grown!
Her stats:
Weight - 16lbs 1.5 oz
Height - 26 1/4 inches
She's in the 95th percentile in weight, and off the charts in height. She's already almost out of 3-6 mo clothes. She's got a long torso, so it's getting hard to snap some of them. I need to go out and buy more clothes for her now!
She had to get 4 shots - poor thing! I'm not sure if it was the shots, or the stomach flu that we're passing around the house, but she had a pretty bad fever yesterday afternoon/evening. She was so sad - she just cuddled with Mommy for about 4 1/2 hours. If I tried to put her down, she screamed! She finally fell asleep in her crib for the night, and only got up once (around 1:30am) for a bottle and more tylenol. She seems better today, so hopefully it's the shots and not the flu. I'll keep everyone posted....
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Music Class
What happens when you take a 4 month old to a music class? Well, let me tell you! We went to a preview for KinderMusik yesterday. As soon as I got her out of her carseat, she looked around and started to cry. But in all fairness, she fell asleep in the car, and woke up in a strange room with strange people she'd never seen before. We sat on the floor and started playing with another mom and baby. Megan was entranced with Abby - the 8 month old that was crawling around and coming up to her to say hi! Megan hasn't had much interaction with other babies, so it was fun to see her looking at them.
Throughout the class, she varied from laughing, to crying, to sticking out her lower lip in a pout. And it changed back and forth second to second! For example, she really liked "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star", but freaked out when the teacher played the xylophone. She made it through about 30 minutes of a 45 min class before she really started to melt down. I think it was a bit overstimulating for her. But I'm pretty sure she'll get used to it.
So, even though it was only a partial success, we signed up for the class. I think she'll like it more each time we go. And it's good for her to interact with other kids. (And it's good for Mommy to interact with other Mommies!)
And it doesn't start for another two weeks, so maybe next time she'll love the whole thing! After all, a lot can change in two weeks for a baby, right?
Throughout the class, she varied from laughing, to crying, to sticking out her lower lip in a pout. And it changed back and forth second to second! For example, she really liked "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star", but freaked out when the teacher played the xylophone. She made it through about 30 minutes of a 45 min class before she really started to melt down. I think it was a bit overstimulating for her. But I'm pretty sure she'll get used to it.
So, even though it was only a partial success, we signed up for the class. I think she'll like it more each time we go. And it's good for her to interact with other kids. (And it's good for Mommy to interact with other Mommies!)
And it doesn't start for another two weeks, so maybe next time she'll love the whole thing! After all, a lot can change in two weeks for a baby, right?
Tuesday, January 2, 2007
Happy New Year!
Rob, Megan and I drove down to visit Kathy, Shad & Cameron for New Year's Eve. It was the first time the kids got to "meet" and they had a great time. It was good practice for Cameron, who is due to have a baby brother or sister within the month! He seemed very concerned every time Megan cried. And even snuck up to her room when she fussing/trying to nap, peeked through the crib and was trying to talk to her. As if he was telling her it would be okay. I wish we'd gotten a picture of that!
But we did get a bunch of pics of the two of them together on the floor, watching Baby Einstein. This is my favorite.

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