Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Chocolate Chip Cookies

Yummy! Megan & I made chocolate chip cookies today (Daddy's favorite). Well, actually, I got Megan situated in her highchair in the kitchen, got the mixer set up and started to measure out the dry ingredients. Even gave her a measuring cup to play with. She wasn't interested. After about 5 minutes, she started to get fussy, so I put her down for a nap and continued on with the cookies. I had a sheet in the oven when she cried to get up. So for the next hour I was feeding her a bottle for 5 minutes, strapping her in her bouncy seat, taking the cookies out of the oven, occupying her for 5 min while they cool, putting the new tray in the oven and taking the warm cookies off onto the cooling rack. Then back to the bottle to do it all over again. It was a bit of a logistical nightmare...

So I guess technically Megan & I made our first cookies today, but she was really just trying to eat her afternoon snack, and my silly cookies got in the way!

Mental note - next time I want to bake, make sure to do it after Megan's in bed. At least until she turns 3!

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